patent information

What are the profits from protecting your intellectual property?

patent information

Build a brand, earn money on licensing, avoid legal threats

we can help you with

  • trademarks
  • industrial designs
  • inventions
  • copyright

trademarks – companies use them to differentiate from one another and strengthen the customer’s recognition of the product or service. Graphic design, sound, word, color or combination of colors, hologram, motion and many other markings can be registered as trademark. Protecting TM is simple and does not necessarily have to be expensive. Come by for more details!
industrial designs – you can monopolize the external appearance of the product, unusual due to its shape, contour, colors or ornaments. If what you produce is new and looks interesting, think about obtaining exclusivity for selling it.
inventions – if you managed to develop a technical solution, with us you can find out if you have a chance to patent it!
copyright – do you know what a creation really is? How is it protected and how can you make money from it? What to watch out for when signing a contract with the author? We know and will be happy to share our insights.


Patent Information cooperates with the Polish Patent Office and the European Patent Office. It belongs to the network of PATLIB centers, which associates patent information centers in Europe under the patronage of the European Patent Office.

  • services

    STP’s companies are offered without charge:

    • preparing trademark and design application (PL )
    • database search - trademarks and industrial designs

    All the entrepreneurs are welcome to use our services as presented on the pricing list – the public help set and fully paid specialized services. Unfortunately, the pricing list is available only in Polish, but feel free to call us and get the details in English.

  • consulting

    Consultations lasting up to half an hour are free (more than this – according to the rate in the price list). In order for us to be able to prepare ourselves for the meeting with you and to avoid “waiting in queue”, sign up for a specific time of the day. You can sign up by phone +48 58 880 81 98 or by e-mail:

    • monday - patent information
    • tuesday - copyright
    • wednesday - patents
  • workshops

    Once a month we discuss a selected topic – from the patenting process, through Lex Internet to the protection of know-how. Check the topic of the next workshop!

    If you want to receive a newsletter about our events once a month, write to us at

    Event regulations can be found here (Polish only).


+48 58 880 81 98

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